Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Thanks for getting this up and going. I'll kick things off with one of my favorite topics, movies. Specifically, the Oscars. All pretty much predictable, except I just can't wrap my head around Sandra Bullock as Best Actress. I would compare this to Marisa Tomei winning for "My Cousin Vinny," except that was only a supporting Oscar and Tomei has gone on to prove she can actually act (see "In the Bedroom" and "The Wrestler").


  1. After "Crash" won in 2005, I thought I had finally reached the point where I could abandon all hope of Award season justice.* No such luck. I still watch every year (or almost every year) and almost always come away disappointed.

    That said, I thought this year's was one of the better Oscars in recent memory. Most of the movies nominated for all the big awards were pretty good or looked like they would be worth seeing. Jeff Bridges' outstanding performance in "Crazy Heart" was justly rewarded. I was glad that they avoided an "Avatar" sweep (not that that movie wasn't worth seeing).

    The big nomination leaders were also, for the most part, pretty accessible movies, which makes the awards show more interesting. While popularity is obviously not a prerequisite for great moviemaking, I'm of the opinion that the Oscars are a particularly great way to reward movies that present (or have the potential to present) compelling stories and characters to a wide audience. Think movies like "Casablanca," "Schindler's List," "Million Dollar Baby"...etc.

    I, too, was pretty surprised that Sandra Bullock left with a statue but I would say my biggest disappointment was that "Up in the Air" did not get Best Adapted. I thought it was a phenomenal movie and probably even would have given it my vote for Best Picture. Of course, this is a minor quibble and I get the case for "Precious."

    *Although I thought "Crash" (another Bullock movie) insulted audiences with its heavy-handed moralizing, I thought Matt Dillon gave a really great performance.

  2. Kim Basinger in LA Confidential is my pick for worst academy award winning performance of all time. Completely non-memorable.
