Monday, September 27, 2010

Enter Ambien Man

Congratulations Dick Gephart, you're off the hook. This profile seems to confirm suspicions that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) is now the most boring Presidential contender in recent memory.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a line-up...

So the GOP's midterms lineup now includes:
  • Nevada's Sharon Angle (Senate) who thinks black football jerseys are "thoroughly evil"
  • Kentucky's Rand Paul (Senate) who supports the right of private establishments to discriminate based on skin color (and who apparently forced a coed to pray to "Aqua Buddha" when he was in college)
  • Delaware's Christine O'Donnell who's so nutty that the Weekly Standard (!) won't even endorse her
  • Arizona's Jan Brewer, who lied was mistaken about her dad's WW2 death survival and about Border Patrol finding decapitated bodies in the desert. She also canceled all debates after bombing the first one.
  • Michigan's Andrew Raczkowski (Congress), who's a birther
  • Arizona's Ben Quayle- see last post.  Imagine Stifler from "American Pie," only more entitled and much less charming
  • Texas's Rick Perry- he's expressed secessionist sympathies, but he's not totally averse to government regulation; he mourned the outcome of Lawrence v. Texas
There are general election nominees. From both coasts and the middle. Most, if not all, of the above have actually won primaries and some are current officeholders.